How to Order
Green Deal Compliance System only £200
The Green Deal comprises the online CRM, MCS and GD Job management system which you use for each installation you carry out. This includes a complete set of quality management documents incorporating your logo, terms and conditions, contact database and project templates ready to go for your first Green Deal project. For a total cost of £200 you recieve a turnkey management system ready for your Green Deal accreditation.
- Setup QMS including logo first year hosting £200
- Includes MCS Microgeneration CRM and QMS
Getting started
On placing your order you will receive an e-mail confirming your username and password. The e-mail details the information you need to send us in order that we can setup the system this includes a copy of your logo, a scanned signature we can use the Internet and any existing technical information you have with regards to the energy efficiency measures you will be installing.
We will setup your project template to include your accredited energy efficiency measures, your logo and signature. You will then be able to log into the system duplicate the project and use this to generate documents for a live job. as you progress in using the system you will be able to customise your template or have more than one for each type of technology you are installing.
Qms customer relationship management and accounting includes online management of your customers and suppliers invoices and payments. You can create proposals, sales orders and invoices which can be printed to PDF and e-mailed directly to your customer or supplier.
Why not start with automating your invoicing
- Create sales order, print to PDF and e-mail to customer
- Convert order to invoice
- Service based invoicing
- Print and email invoices
- Manage suppliers and purchase invoices
- Allocate invoices to payments
- Upload PDF invoices to the project management platform and update the budget for the client
Supplier purchase invoices
- Manage supplier contact details
- Generate Purchase Order
- Email Purchase Order as PDF attachment
- Convert purchase order to supplier invoice
Sales Reports
There are a variety of simple reports available to monitor the performance of your business. Whilst not providing a full profit and loss this constitutes a good overview of the current status of your income and expenses.
- Sales by Month/Year
- Sales by customer
- Income/expense by Month/year