The quality management manual need to be generated when you first use the system. The manual is generated from the master template which is kept up-to-date with the latest MCS standards. Each time there is a change in the standard the master template is updated and depending on the scale of the changes you will be required to update your copy of the manual.
New Manual
When you create a new manual a complete copy of the master template is copy to your company records. The manual incorporates a section which covers every clause of the MCS 001 standard. A version number is automatically incremented in each time you create a new manual and you can designate a manual as the current version. In most cases you should be able to use the master template without changes if you are using all of the aspects of the complete picture system. If you are using some of your own procedures then you will need to edit the manual see below.
Editing The Manual
If you click on a header for each section this will expand to enable you to edit that section of the manual. You can edit each section of the manual so that it matches your business processes. If you decide you have made an error at the top of each section is the default checkbox if you select the check box the text in your copy of the manual is updated from the master for this section only. So in effect you are reverting changes you have made.
Code of conduct
Insert your code of the code of conduct or use the REAL (if you are a member) into your quality management manual. This is incorporated into the PDF file.
Terms and conditions
The quality management manual includes a default set of terms and conditions. This is the most likely where you will edit the manual for other procedures above you can edit the terms and conditions and if required select the check box to revert to the default text.
Health and Safety Plan
The quality manager manual also includes a default health and safety plan which should be sufficient for most small businesses. This can also be edited and you can copy and paste your version the plan if you already have one.
Updating the Manual
For minor changes it is possible to update your current version of the management manual by using the default select box to copy across information from the updated master template. We notify to the QMS website when this is required.