Quality Managment System and MCS Calculator, PV, Thermal, Heat Pump and Biomass only £200
If you have existing quality management system documents you would like to automate or you are just starting out we will customise the software to suit your business. We will provide you with a complete set of quality management documents incorporating your logo, terms and conditions, contact database and project templates ready to go for your first renewables project. For a total cost of £200 you recieve a turnkey quality management system ready for your MCS accreditation.
- Setup QMS including logo first year hosting up to 100 projects £200
- QMS Project templates for all technologies
- Heat Pump MIS 3005 sizing calculations
- Biomass MIS 3004 sizing calculations
- Solar photovoltaic MCS compatible reports
- Solar thermal MIS 3001 including MCS compatible reports
- Wind load calculation BRE Digest 489
- RHI Payback Calculation
- MCS Compliance Certificates
If you are a larger installer commissioning more than 100 systems pa please call to discuss your requirements. It is possible to host the entire system your own server.
To order online please visit our online shop alternatively call 020 7148 3322 with your credit card details.