If you require help on installation and setting up of our software please see the relevant links on the images in the right hand column. To register for a demonstration version please complete the software registration form, see the link above. Software can be downloaded using the downloads link.

The SAP calculator is an application it is not a web based program

After you have downloaded the program and installed it on your computer please do as follows.For Windows users please go to your Start Button , Programs, Complete Picture ,SAP. You will also find you have an icon for the program on your desktop. When you first launch the program you are presented with the gold welcome screen.

  1. You can access the sap projects by pressing the sap logo for the building regulations by pressing the document manager logo.
  2. The first time you use the program the application preferences will be displayed. please see the images in the following sections which show you how to enter your username and password. Please click on an image to enlarge.

Step 1 File Preferences

From the menu in the SAP Calculator program choose File Preferences this will display the preferences window. This is displayed automatically the first time you use the program.

Step 2 Enter username and password

Enter your username and password from the e-mail, if you are copying and pasting please make sure you do not copy any extra characters. press the "check subscription" button your details are submitted to our server and we will reply "subscription and updated"

When your subscription has been updated you will see the renewal date and subscription type in the preferences window. If you are a NAPIT accredited energy the assessor ( for new build housing ) the user type should be SAP Napit. This is important only SAP Napit users can lodge certificates with the government database. Ror all other users the user type will be shown as SAP Designer.

Step 3 Check path to documents

The software automatically checked for updated Building regulations and planning documents and these are stored on your local hard drive.  If you have edition 34 of the CD you can copy the entire contents of the library onto your computer the software will then ensure that it always kept up-to-date.  If you're using the free version of the software you will need to download the documents from the Internet as you need them. 

Step 4 Store files on server

If you prefer to store the files on a file server please choose "No" and select the path to the local folder. If you wish to change where your files stored delete the path information press "Save" and then press the check path button again and you will be presented with the option to choose the path. The program will then begin to copy the files from the CD to your chosen location.

Please see the following links for information on how to use the SAP software or the Document Manager to view the building regulations.