What do you mean by managed document production?
We manage the process through the online system or producing your O&M Manuals. We do not undertake the detailed technical writing of the individual documents, this is left to the project members for example the architects who are directly involved. Our role is to manage the deadlines for the individual elements of the documentation to ensure it is produced on time and ready for handover to the client.
At what stage of the project should we are using the system?
There are additional costs for starting using the software from the beginning of your project. This will ensure project members are completely familiar with the system when it comes to producing the final documentation The earlier you start the better chance you have of completing the document on time.
When the project is finished what does the final output consist of?
Our manuals are broken down into sections depending on the project. For example:
- Health and Safety File
- Architectural O&M
- Mechanical O&M
- Electrical O&M
- Structural O&M
From the online systems we create PDF files of each document and combine the uploaded files and content into a single indexed and linked manual. Fro an example see here (opens in new window)
How are the documents supplied?
All content is written to CD ROM printed with a project specific logo. The CD will autorun when inserted into the computer. Using Adobe Acrobat you can search and navigate using the bookmarks we create two section of the O&M manual. All Manuals are cross referenced including links to product datasheets.
Can I have a printed copy?
The documents are supplied as PDF files and these are in a print ready format there is no need for additional formatting for print output.