The quality management system incorporates a complete set of documents which can be customised to suit your business. The documents cover all types of projects, heat pump, solar water, photovoltaic, biomass and wind turbine. Each of the documents is linked to the task manager which is used to track the progress of the project. When you create a new project using a project template all of the documents are automatically created and each document includes a "merge" facility to insert data such as names and address or supplier details.
When the task is complete you issue a document which means you print or e-mail the document ie the equivalent of posting a letter. The document is then locked to prevent any further changes.
Example list of company documents
below is a list of some the documents which are included in the company section for compliance of the business.
Health and Safety plan
Quality Management Manual Example
Training Records
Example list of project documents
Below is a list of some of the documents included in the system. just imagine how much time you can save using this software. Remember if a document is not here you can created using the built-in word processor save as the default template with your template project and they will be automatically included on every project thereafter. It's as simple as that.
Customer Enquiry Requirements |
Solar Hot Water Design Guidance |
Customer Brochure Letter |
Customer Estimate |
Site Survey Air Source Heat Pump |
Permissions And Approvals |
Site Survey Photovoltaic |
Plant Hire |
Site Surveys Solar Water |
Heat Pump System Components |
Site Survey Ground Source Heat Pump |
Solar System Components |
Subcontractor Appointment |
New Electrical Circuits |
Supplier Request |
Ground Loop Pressure Test |
Photovoltaic Design Guidance |
Water Treatment |
Heat Pump Design Guidance |
Customer Completion Sheet |